Kalalau Valley in Kauai is one of the most beautiful places I could imagine. When I first saw it, it was “the golden hour” with the sun’s rays shimmering on the fluted cliffs. Lush greenery covers the gorgeous mountains which rise up more than 4,000 feet over the ocean. There is a wide viewing area over the rim of the canyon that offers the perfect vantage point for the scenic valley. Along the entire western coast of Kauai, there are enchanting Koaʻe Kea (White Tailed Tropic Birds) soaring gracefully in wide circles near the ocean like mythical birds. In the upper elevations, tiny red I’iwi birds perch in the high branches of ʻōhiʻa trees. This painting is meant to capture the feeling of being at Pu’u o Kila Overlook – the highest and last of the Kōkeʻe Park lookouts over Kalalau Valley. I have included both of the birds I mentioned, placing a few koa’e kea in a loose formation to show the path of their wide circular gliding. The clouds blend seamlessly with the ocean because the horizon is so far away you can’t see the division of sky and sea. It almost feels unearthly to witness this view in person.