Miniature Shows for November/December 2017

This November and December, I am getting a chance to show my works from September’s miniature work frenzy.  I had 4 pieces accepted into the AHA Miniature Show which ran throughout November, and 3 were juried in are still on display at the Koa Gallery.  Details are here for the Koa Gallery Show which is still on display:

At the AHA Miniature show:

Akepa With Orange Ohia
Akepa with Orange Ohia
Hawaiian Moorhen
Mynah Bird in a Coral Tree by Wendy Roberts
Mynah Bird in a Coral Tree
Violet Vanda Orchids
Violet Vanda Orchids

Mixed Media Miniature Show 20th Anniversary:

Java Sparrows in an Avocado Tree by Wendy Roberts
Java Sparrows in an Avocado Tree
Iiwi on Blue Lobeliads by Wendy Roberts
Iiwi on Blue Lobeliads
Saffron Finch in a Cannonball Tree by Wendy Roberts
Saffron Finch in a Cannonball Tree