Paradise Painters
August 3 – 28, 2015
Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens Gallery
45-680 Luluku Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744
Kelley Fitzgerald
Penny Haleluhelani Burns
Margaret S. Lee
Cris Meier
Wendy Roberts
Marcia Scrivano
It’s official: I have around 15 pieces ready to go on the walls of my favorite gallery/garden! There are several of us, and the range of subjects varies from landscapes and botanicals, to animal and figurative works. Although there are always some paintings from far away places, the great majority of the subjects celebrate Hawaii and the beauty in the land and its inhabitants.
Do yourself a favor and get a picnic basket ready. Take a couple of hours after viewing the show, go have a nice walk and a picnic in the unparallelled beauty of Hoomaluhia Gardens. You will be glad you spent some time in such a peaceful, exquisite place!