Violet Vanda Orchids

Violet Vanda Orchids
5 x 7 inches
Acrylic and Copper Leaf on Canvas

“Orchid people” will understand my story on this painting. I started seeing this unbelievable violet orchid around – I would notice it in someone’s yard, or at a friend’s house. It always caught my eye and made me want one too! None of the local stores seemed to have it. Finally, I went to the Windward Orchid Society Show a few years ago and managed to find one. I happily took it home and put it in my orchid tree. I love to garden. This vanda orchid plant is part of my “orchid tree”. It’s a beautiful magnolia tree with several different types of orchids planted in its branches at different heights. They all bloom at different times. Below are a couple of photos of my wonderful tree with the various orchids in bloom – all of these are the same tree!

Now my violet vanda is settled in the tree and it gives me rich blue-purple orchids a couple of times per year. They are large and showy and gorgeous! I love the the depth of its color. I placed it on a copper background to take advantage of a secondary color scheme. The copper leaf background changes color depending on the lighting, but I like how it contrasts with the deep violet.

Different Vandas (I think) one of the lovely things about Hawaii is that you often receive plants from neighbors.
Honohono Orchids (pink)